@ARTICLE{26543116_26552048_2007, author = {Antoine Rose and Fred Gault}, keywords = {, innovation, small enterprises, CanadaIT-based innovation}, title = {Small R&D Performers in Canada}, journal = {Foresight and STI Governance}, year = {2007}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {53-57}, url = {https://foresight-journal.hse.ru/en/2007-1-3/26552048.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The small performers, whose costs for R&D are less than 100 thousand dollars per year, consist more than half of total organisations involved in R&D in Canada. This vast segment includes companies of all sizes (both in number of employees and amount of income), and employs seven percent of all personnel performing R&D. But at the same time, the share of small performers makes only two percent of total expenditure on R&D in the Canadian private sector.}, annote = {The small performers, whose costs for R&D are less than 100 thousand dollars per year, consist more than half of total organisations involved in R&D in Canada. This vast segment includes companies of all sizes (both in number of employees and amount of income), and employs seven percent of all personnel performing R&D. But at the same time, the share of small performers makes only two percent of total expenditure on R&D in the Canadian private sector.} }