
Журнал Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики»

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Новые статьи

ISSN 1995-459X print
E-ISSN 2312-9972 online
ISSN 2500-2597 online English

Главный редактор:
Гохберг Леонид Маркович

Technological innovations: management and effects


The new issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal (2020. vol. 14. No. 1) reviews the implementation prospects for emerging technological innovations in various areas, their potential effects, and approaches to managing them.

In his paper “A Disrupted Future?” Ian Miles raises the issue of e-cigarettes’ expected effects compared with conventional ones. Electronic cigarettes are seen as a less harmful alternative to classic tobacco products. Such designs have a potential to become a disruptive innovation capable of radically changing the market. However, potential impact of these products on human health requires further research, and seems to be ambiguous.

The paper “Random Interaction Effect of Digital Transformation on General Price Level and Economic Growth” by Byung Gwun Choy presents a random effect model for evaluating the impact of digital transformation on productivity. Using Russia as an example, the author demonstrates that digital transformation became a driver of technological progress and economic growth.

The topic of information technology regulation became increasingly popular in recent years. The COBIT-5 framework is generally considered to be the most efficient mechanism for governing information technology and related areas. David Henriques, Ruben Pereira, Rafael Almeida, and Miguel Mira da Silva present the paper “IT Governance Enablers” which analyses the roles of various factors applied in COBIT-5. The results may help better define relevant enablers, and more efficiently apply management tools.

The paper “Trust-Based Determinants of Future Intention to Use Technology” is focused on the e-Declaration technology which allows to file tax returns remotely. The author Joanna Ejdys reveals the relationship between the technology users’ characteristics, their trust in the e-Declaration technology, and future intentions to use it. The findings will help managers more efficiently apply digital public services solutions keeping in mind the key success factors.

Wide dissemination of self-driving cars is expected to take place during the next decade. Aleksey Zomarev and Maria Rozhenko propose a methodology for assessing the consequences of applying self-driving technology in an urban environment, using Moscow as an example. The paper “Impact of Self-driving Cars for Urban Development” presents four scenarios with different driverless technology and car sharing adoption rates.

In the context of growing demand for innovation technologies, multi-attribute tools for their efficient selection are starting to play a key role. The paper “Technology Selection Using the TOPSIS Method” by Katarzyna Halicka presents one such approach. It combines life cycle analysis, technology readiness levels, and technology rankings made using the TOPSIS method. The suggested technique was verified by ranking and selecting the best road building solutions in Poland.

You can buy the latest issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal in Moscow at the HSE’s own shop BookVyshka (20 Myasnitskaya St.), or subscribe to the paper edition. The electronic version is freely available at the journal’s website, online libraries e-Library and Cyberleninka, and through mobile applications available at AppStore and GooglePlay.


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