The Frontiers of Intelligence
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technology innovation
artificial intelligence
intelligence studies

How to Cite

AnthonyM. (2007). The Frontiers of Intelligence. Foresight and STI Governance, 1(4), 4-18. Retrieved from


The generally accepted theory of intelligence is developed mainly in the framework of the pragmatic critical philosophy. The discussed issues are psychometric and system theory of intelligence. However, the subject of this article are some of the more promising theories which, while remaining within the traditional scientific concepts, describe, in particular, emotional, creative, intrapersonal intelligence and wisdom. Of course, there are other ideas about intelligence. Among them, for example, integrated intelligence - a concept which recognizes and effectively use the idea on the potentials of interpersonal intelligence. This is alternative theory, and in this paper the generally accepted theories are analyzed, compared and contrasted with the theory is integral intelligence. The paper discusses how the possible recognition of the integral intelligence will impact on the future discourse on the theory of intelligence.
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