Mikhail Kuzyk— Discipline Leader, Interdepartmental Analytical Centre. E-mail: kuzyk@iacenter.ru Address: 121069, P.O. box 35, 31/29 bld. 2 Povarskaya str., Moscow, Russia
Based on results of the study "Microeconomic analysis of public policies aimed at fostering innovation" the author evaluates the most significant impacts of the crisis on activities of research organizations. He studies changes in the volume of implemented R&D and the nature of customers’ demands; obstacles to developing partnerships between research organizations and industry; the challenges and opportunities arising from the crisis and crisis management actions planned and taken by the organizations.
Among the most referred effects are decreased contracts from non-governmental actors as well as from government and related agencies, the partial loss of customers, the deteriorated timeliness of payments from counterparts and non-payments, higher prices by subcontractors etc.. However a financial creditworthiness in general as well as "dismal" decline in R&D did not happen.
Organizations giving higher expectations to their research performance in general were less amenable to the impacts of the crisis. Meanwhile, over two thirds (70%) of respondents indicated the absence of any positive aspects of the crisis. Pessimistic estimates are typical for the organizations receiving a significant share of orders from manufacturing plants.
The analysis revealed sustainable sets of anti-crisis measures, their current and future specifics. About 90% of the studied organizations at the time of conducting the survey have already begun implementation of various anti-crisis measures. Their efforts were focused on commercializing R&D outputs, the search for new customers and adapting to their needs, the development of international linkages, expansion of research and searching for new staff.
High-level performing organizations preferred to focus on the development of already existing activities and enhancing skills of existing staff, while the organizations of a lower research performance more often resorted to shift to new customers, changed their subcontractors and suppliers, and reformed the internal structure. Most organizations considered internal restructuring as an important anti-crisis policy measure in the future. Introduction of new means of material incentives as well as creation of small innovative companies were also regarded as prospective steps.