This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
The manuscript submitted to the editors is subjected to initial review and verification for compliance to the topics of the journal and formal editorial requirements. If the paper doesn’t comply with the subject-matter of the journal it excludes from further consideration, the author is notified about it. The basic requirements are as follows:
- The length of the main text of the article (not including the abstract, information about the authors, bibliography and other metadata) should be on average about 6-7 thousand words. Text of a larger volume should be justified and agreed upon separately with the editorial board.
- The article topic should be relevant, contain novel knowledge, reflect the problem statement, review and critical analysis of international experience, approaches and tools of research, describe the research results and conclusions, meet the needs of the target audience, meet technical requirements.
- The share of direct borrowings / citations should not exceed 10% of the main text of the article, subject to citations according to generally accepted rules. All incoming texts are processed by the anti-plagiarism checker.
- The list of references should contain from 20 to 100 sources. At least 90% of all cited sources must be references to original English-language scientific articles and expert reports. The list of references should not include: normative documents, archival materials, newspaper notes without specifying the author, references to websites without specifying the specific material (references to such sources are provided in footnotes).
- Multiple repetition of the same thesis with reference to the same sources is not allowed.- Excessive citation of the author's own previous works is not allowed. The maximum share of such works in the total number of cited sources should not exceed 5%.
- The number of sources cited in a row should not exceed 6-7, and the share of such "batch" citations should not exceed 1% of the total number of in-text citations. Optimally, no more than 2-4 sources in a row.
After desk review that takes a week at average, if matched with basic formal editorial requirements, the paper is assigned for reviewing to an expert, who is a member of the editorial council (internal review). The paper also submitting for evaluation to an independent expert (peer review). The duration of peer-review may take up one to three months, depending on reviewers' workload and specifics of submitted topic.
After reviewing the article may be rejected, sent to the author for revision, or accepted for publication.
The review should include:
- General evaluation of the paper’s content and principal judgment on whether it could be published in the journal;
- The specific enumeration of errors in the methodology and tools (if any);
- Suggestions for improving the text.
Upon receipt of a positive conclusion of the referee the paper is placed in the portfolio of editorial board for further publication. Executive secretary of the editorial board should inform the author about it.
Upon receipt of an unfavorable verdict of the reviewer the paper is discussed on the working group meeting of the editorial board, which makes a decision on rejection of the article or the need for further review by an independent expert.
In case of paper’s rejection, the author sent a notification letter signed by the executive secretary of the magazine.
The final decision on the publication of the paper and approval of the total contents of the journal’s issue are adopted at a meeting of the editorial board.
The procedure for review and approval of articles is from 1 to 1.5 months, further articles are published in order of priority. The Editorial Board may decide on an extraordinary publication of the paper.
Preparing an article for publication undertaken by the editors includes normal literary editing and fine-tuning of the text according to the internal editorial standards adopted for the journal. All the changes made by the editors are to be co-ordinated with the author.