@ARTICLE{26543116_26552009_2007, author = {Olga Shuvalova}, keywords = {}, title = {Science from the View of Russians}, journal = {Foresight and STI Governance}, year = {2007}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {38-43}, url = {https://foresight-journal.hse.ru/en/2007-1-1/26552009.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Development of world science plays a crucial role in changing the productive forces, public and intergovernmental relations. Scientific advances implemented in the new technologies and innovative products, radically changing the face of entire sectors for a few years, bring the success to an innovative company, contributing to rapid economic growth of individual countries and regions. The world scientific community is trying to assess the likely direction and impact of scientific progress, and each country - to position itself in the process and mobilize all possible resources to adequately respond to the challenges of the future. One such resource is the public interest in science, the ability of citizens to realize its key role in development of economy, state and society, to perceive adequately related inquiries and needs. The article presents the results of polls of the population of Russia and other countries, carried out in different years basing on a single methodology that allows for comparative analysis of the dynamics of changing society's attitudes toward science.}, annote = {Development of world science plays a crucial role in changing the productive forces, public and intergovernmental relations. Scientific advances implemented in the new technologies and innovative products, radically changing the face of entire sectors for a few years, bring the success to an innovative company, contributing to rapid economic growth of individual countries and regions. The world scientific community is trying to assess the likely direction and impact of scientific progress, and each country - to position itself in the process and mobilize all possible resources to adequately respond to the challenges of the future. One such resource is the public interest in science, the ability of citizens to realize its key role in development of economy, state and society, to perceive adequately related inquiries and needs. The article presents the results of polls of the population of Russia and other countries, carried out in different years basing on a single methodology that allows for comparative analysis of the dynamics of changing society's attitudes toward science.} }