@ARTICLE{26543116_801314813_2022, author = {Daiane Rocha and Gisele Lemes Veiga Araujo and Francisco Cristovão Lourenço Melo}, keywords = {, TRL, technology readiness levels, maturity, project management, decision support, TRL Calculator, analysis, evaluation, risksinnovation policy}, title = {Maturity Assessment of Critical Technologies}, journal = {Foresight and STI Governance}, year = {2022}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {71-81}, url = {https://foresight-journal.hse.ru/en/2022-16-4/801314813.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {A maturity assessment of technological projects is becoming an increasingly popular tool for innovation policy. It enables the accurate determining of risks and opportunities related to the creation of high-tech products. Determining the degree of technology readiness, especially at early stages of development, increases the performance of not only government programs, but also of business projects. This article presents a software interface for such expertise, the IAE/ITA TRL Calculator, designed for the Brazilian aerospace sector. The validation within a number of cases revealed its potential applicability in a wide variety of industries. This innovative software product includes a quality user guide and an improved visual interface that allows for easy and quick identification of issues that require additional effort in order to move the evaluated technology project to a higher level of readiness.}, annote = {A maturity assessment of technological projects is becoming an increasingly popular tool for innovation policy. It enables the accurate determining of risks and opportunities related to the creation of high-tech products. Determining the degree of technology readiness, especially at early stages of development, increases the performance of not only government programs, but also of business projects. This article presents a software interface for such expertise, the IAE/ITA TRL Calculator, designed for the Brazilian aerospace sector. The validation within a number of cases revealed its potential applicability in a wide variety of industries. This innovative software product includes a quality user guide and an improved visual interface that allows for easy and quick identification of issues that require additional effort in order to move the evaluated technology project to a higher level of readiness.} }