O. Saritas: International Journal «Foresight»
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How to Cite

НетН. (2012). O. Saritas: International Journal «Foresight». Foresight and STI Governance, 6(1), 6-10. Retrieved from https://foresight-journal.hse.ru/article/view/19666


Interview with Ozcan Saritas (University of Manchester, UK), Editor of “Foresight” — one of the leading academic journals on the global future.Foresightis oriented toward wide spread distribution with the aim of the expansion of knowledge and linkages to participation in its forum. It aims to demonstrate best practice in the design and implementation of Foresight methodology and use of quantitative and qualitative methods. This edition covers applications of Foresight at the supra-national, national and regional levels in a wide variety of sectors and thematic areas. It contains overviews of Foresight studies, including the formation of new networks and working communities; it articulates widely-shared and divergent visions. The journal serves as an important outlet for the dissemination of findings of Foresight exercises to wider social constituents and makes substantial contributions to policy learning and policy transfer processes.

In his interview with our reporter, Ozcan Saritas, talks about the mission and aims ofForesight, the criteria for the selection of papers, the dimension of editorial activities and plans for the future, including prospects of bi-lateral co-operation withForesight-Russia. He also discusses new challenges for Foresight activities in the context of the changes and developments taking place in the world and the contributions of the systemic approach to long-term forecasting.

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