Tatyana Kuznetzova— Director, Centre for S&T, Innovation and Information Policy, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Russia). E-mail: tkuznetzova@hse.ru Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 101000
Vitaly Roud— Research Fellow, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University — Higher School of Economics (Russia). E-mail: vroud@hse.ru Address: 20, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, Russia, 101000
Innovation activity is about the intersection of economic, social and cognitive dimensions, each of which has an impact on the choice of behavioral patterns by a company as well as the extent of its involvement in the innovation process.
Regarding innovation in Russia there is a "terminological paradox". The basic conceptual framework has been introduced by OECD and Eurostat as an international standard more than 20 years ago. Relevant methodological and methodical approaches are thoroughly studied and adapted by Russian experts. They are used in the theoretical and empirical research as the basis for federal statistical observation of innovation. However, they still aren’t embedded into business and management practices. Entrepreneurs, officials and separate expert groups are often dominated by their own points of view on this sector and its "products". This complicates the dialogue between the various actors in the innovation sector, and prevents the choise of the most efficient regulation mechanisms.
The paper presents the experience of adapting methodological approaches developed in the framework of European manufacturing survey to the Russian context. This study is aimed at creating a reliable source of empirical data for the analyzing the specifics of behavioral patterns of economic agents with respect to innovation with an emphasis on issues of technological and organizational modernization.
Analysis of the innovation activity of manufacturing enterprises allows us to formulate some sound conclusions. The national innovation system in Russia is in stagnant condition. It is characterized by a small scale innovative complex in the manufacturing industry, sustainability of unfavorable trends, lacking critical mass of innovators of all types and the actual absence of radical innovation. Unequivocally, the national economy is not able to quickly shift to an innovation path. Companies are not interested in long term forecasting, they are poorly integrated into communication networks and innovation clusters.
The results obtained in the survey are interesting, especially as a useful source of information about the specifics of the innovation sector of Russia, the dominant models of innovative behavior of enterprises and the effectiveness of their strategies. This information supplements the available statistical information that allows us to refine the analytical conclusions about the prospects of increasing innovation activity in the real economy and strengthen the validity of the recommendations on public policy.